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Our Home Among the Hills: West Virginia Wesleyan College’s First 125 Years

Our Home Among the Hills: West Virginia Wesleyan College’s First 125 Years

$ 40.00

The first history of Wesleyan published since Kenneth Plummer’s 1965 book, Our Home Among the Hills recounts Wesleyan’s founding in 1890, its early trials and tribulations, its period of dramatic growth in the 1960's and 1970's, and up through its most recent accomplishments. Published to correspond with Wesleyan’s 125th anniversary, this handsome, full color publication uses a substantial number of archival images to enhance the special story of West Virginia Wesleyan College.

ISBN: 978-1-578649075 © 2014; 128 pp.; hardback

About the author:

Brett T. Miller, a native of Lancaster PA, graduated from West Virginia Wesleyan College in 2006, and received his master of library and information science from the University of Pittsburgh in 2011, specializing in archives, preservation, and records management. After a stint at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, Miller was appointed Wesleyan’s archivist, records manager, and music librarian in 2011. He also serves as part-time archivist for the West Virginia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church and is an occasional volunteer at the Upshur County Historical Society.